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Zhongshan Fangyuan Silicone Products Co., Ltd.
Nhà sản xuất tùy chỉnh
Sản Phẩm chính: Silicone đồ nhà bếp, Silicone hộ gia đình bài viết, Silicone bé ăn thiết lập, Silicone chăm sóc sắc đẹp, Silicone bộ phận
Thứ tự xếp hạng4 thời gian phản hồi nhanh trong Thường Trực Trang Điểm Dụng Cụ Tập LuyệnFinished product inspectionCompetitive OEM factoryGlobal export expertiseSample-based customization
Our advantages
why choose us?
We are a professional manufacturer of silicone products, integrating design, development, manufacture, sale & service. We specialize in manufacturing silicone baby feeding sets, household articles, sport goods, silicone kitchenware and silicone beauty care items,etc,and have applied for and obtained the product appearance patents and practical patents for silicone belts and cake baking molds.
Experience Factory 20 years of rich production experience
OEM & ODM Support customization of any product
Product QualityFrom production to shipment.Each step is double check strictly implemented.Products design, 100% full inspection ofgoods before shipped.
20+ Years Customer ExperienceMore than 20 years of design experience, recognized by customers worldwide
Our Factory
We possess 20 groups of silicone rubber products’ moulding machines,and our own tooling department with 3sets of CNC and 3 sets of EDM machine,which can support us to customize the ODM and OEM designs for customers.